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4 Tips for EDDM

4 Tips for EDDM

To many business owners, the ability to reach thousands of households or businesses in a specific region with an important offer or message is very enticing.

But when it comes to actually creating your messaging and design to fit Every Door Direct Mail’s standards, the challenge can be overwhelming.

What is Every Door Direct Mail?

For those not familiar, USPS® Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) is an affordable targeted advertising technique that lets you map your marketing mail audience by age, income, or household size.

At Kingston Printing, our EDDM experts are here to ensure your piece reaches the right audience without the headaches of worrying about design and delivery.

Here are 4 EDDM tips to get you started – then reach out to us to take over!

1. Create content for your mailpiece (front and back)

Here are some common USPS approved EDDM®postcard sizes:

  • 4.25 x 10.625
  • 4.5 x 12
  • 6.5 x 9
  • 6.25 x 11.75
  • 8.5 x 11

3. Design your printed piece with EDDM’s layout guidelines in mind.

  • Unlike regular mail pieces, EDDM regulations require the address to be in the Upper-Half of the Piece.
  • EDDM pieces are not barcoded
  • EDDM aren’t personalized to each address so the address block looks like this:

********ECRWSS**EDDM********* (Endorsement Line)

Postal Customer (could be switched out with Current Resident)

4. Determine the zip codes and demographic you want to target

Then send your direct mail piece to an approved EDDM Retail vendor for printing, like Kingston Printing.

Still have questions about Every Door Direct Mail and how to make it work for you? Contact us today!

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